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- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 94 10:56:03 PDT
- From: The Info-Mac Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
- Reply-To: Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #128
- To: info-mac-list
- Info-Mac Digest Wed, 28 Sep 94 Volume 12 : Issue 128
- Today's Topics:
- [*] and-through-my-eyes-10.hqx (a small collection of poetry)
- [*] Apple HD SC Setup 7.3.2 all drives ptch
- [*] Audio CD Mover; an editor for the Audio CD database
- [*] Audio Interface v1.1; for users with sight difficulties
- [*] BatteryMinder 2.0.2; a PowerBook battery utility
- [*] BranChing156; for plant root system analysis
- [*] ClockSync 0.9.0; synchronises Mac clocks over a network
- [*] Geo Converter v.1.1; translates between coordinate systems
- [*] K1 Librarian 1.0.5; a MIDI data utility
- [*] Letter Land 1.0; NEW Kids shareware game!
- [*] Lumina's Decision Modeling System demo
- [*] Mail2000 v1.4 (update); reads text files containing mail
- [*] Maven update; audio conferencinf software
- [*] MPj Astro 1.2; a planetarium type astronomy program
- [*] Newton book of star trek parody
- [*] Sleeper 1.02; sleep for desktop Macs
- [*] TidBITS#245/26-Sep-94
- [*] Troubled Souls Demo; a Tetris-like game
- [*] WriteNow 4 Test Drive; a word processor
- (Q) WordlistMaker 1.0
- [Q] Looking for on-screen tachistoscope sw
- AppleCD Database (2 msgs)
- At Ease for Work Groups Update
- AutoCAD 12c3 and Quadra 840AV
- Corrupted Disk Images solution
- CPU update?
- DECnet for PowerMac? [Q]
- Desktop bug?
- Desktop bug? (A)
- Desktop Rebuild @ System 7.5 (C)
- Farallon PhoneNet -> Apple LocalTalk networks [R]
- Finder Layout
- FreePort client?
- FTP --> Vax --> Mac
- help: Powerbook trackball spring
- Hiding printer
- Info-Mac Digest V12 #124
- Laserwriter Pro 630 opinions wanted
- Laserwriter Select 360 opinions wanted
- Mac IIci cache cards (Q)
- MacLink plus
- Mac Music
- MacTCP, RAM Doubler, Sys 7.5 = crash???`
- MODE32 Questions
- MSMail Question
- MS Office update?
- Need Battery for IIsi !!!
- Need help with MacX/MacTCP
- NetNews reader(s) for Mac
- pagemaker crash
- Please Help Me, My TCP problem is Solved...
- Problem with Mosaic and Newsgroups
- Public Domain unStuffit utilities
- Q: Good Book for Metroworks C++? Which One?
- Radius Color Pivot LE (Q)
- Ram Doubler 1.5 problem
- Sharing one hard drive between two printers
- Speech , Voices
- Speed Disk 3.0->3.1 (A)
- Symantec charges
- system 7.5 on powerPC 7100
- Using more than 8Mb on a Mac IIcx?
- Weird Problem, please help (Q)
- Where/how can I update from FileMaker Pro 2.0bv1 2.1v3
- Word 6.0 Converter (for MW5.x) (C)
- Word 6 leaner than I thought (C)
- World Script (Q)
- WYSIWYG menus for 6.0.8
- The Info-Mac Network operates by the volunteer efforts of:
- Bill Lipa, Gordon Watts, Liam Breck, Igor Livshits, Adam C. Engst
- The Info-Mac Archive is available at 50 public and private sites around
- the world. For the site list, request it by mail (see below), or try:
- gopher://sumex-aim.stanford.edu/info-mac/help/mirror-list.txt
- Also accessible by ftp. Help files and indexes are also in info-mac/help/.
- Mail articles for publication in the digest to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Mail files for inclusion in the archives to macgifts@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Mail administrative queries and info to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 12:01:52 -0500
- From: Larry Kyrala <larry@Music.ASU.Edu>
- Subject: [*] and-through-my-eyes-10.hqx (a small collection of poetry)
- "And Through My Eyes" (v1.0)
- a small collection of poetry by Larry Kyrala
- This is a HyperCard stack of poetry written from 1987 to 1994. It
- requires HyperCard (Player) 2.1 or higher and is formatted to fit well on
- any 9" or PowerBook screen. Makes great travel reading.
- This stack is freeware. You may make as many copies as you like and
- freely distribute them, provided that the stack is copied as a whole and
- is not modified in any way. I reserve all rights to this work.
- All rights reserved.
- (c)1994 by Larry Kyrala
- larry@music.asu.edu
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/and-through-my-eyes-10-hc.hqx; 249K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 19:00:56 +0100
- From: simula3@di.unito.it (Fabrizio Oddone)
- Subject: [*] Apple HD SC Setup 7.3.2 all drives ptch
- A patcher application which lets Apple HD SC Setup 7.3.2 recognize any hard
- disk.
- It works on some drives, but not on others. Cross your fingers.
- Adds a couple of standard resources so that buttons are displayed in true
- gray on color monitors.
- The modified application will be bigger, not because of a virus, but
- because the original resource is compressed and cannot be recompressed
- after patching.
- Apple HD SC Setup 7.3.2 is part of System 7.5. I do not know whether Apple
- will make 7.3.2 available also for people who do not own 7.5.
- If patching Apple applications violates some warranty or law,
- either do not use this patch or yell at Apple (or both).
- Freeware.
- MODERATORS: please do NOT remove from the archives the older patcher for
- Apple HD SC Setup 7.3.1; wait until Apple makes 7.3.2 available also for
- people who do not own 7.5.
- [Archived as /info-mac/disk/apple-hd-sc-setup-732-patch.hqx; 34K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 17:11:38 -0700
- From: trygve@netcom.com (Trygve Isaacson)
- Subject: [*] Audio CD Mover; an editor for the Audio CD database
- Audio CD Mover 1.0
- =A91994 by Trygve Isaacson, All Rights Reserved.
- trygve@netcom.com
- This application is freeware: you may freely use and distribute it
- non-commercially as long as this readme file accompanies it. The author
- retains copyright. Use at your own risk.
- Audio CD Mover is a "fat binary" that runs native on both PowerPC and 68K
- Macs. A sample CD database document is included.
- About Audio CD Mover
- If you use your CD-ROM drive to play audio CDs, you probably know that the
- AppleCD Audio Player (on the Apple menu) allows you to enter the disc and
- song titles of your CDs. Whenever you pop in a known disc, that disc's
- titles appear in the player window. It's somewhat tedious to type in all
- those titles, and there's no way to merge your titles with someone else's,
- but it's a nice feature to have.
- This application, Audio CD Mover, lets you manipulate the database document
- that the AppleCD Audio Player uses to store the titles. You can merge
- several documents together, you can look at the contents of document, and
- you can remove disc entries from document. The main benefit to this is that
- you can merge other people's CD databases into yours and accumulate a
- larger one.
- What I'd really like to see is a big CD database to live somewhere on the
- public Mac archives. If you want to send me your database file, I could
- merge it into the one included in this package...if there's a better idea,
- let me know.
- Trygve Isaacson
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/audio-cd-mover-10.hqx; 583K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 09:34:59 -0400
- From: Alex Metcalf <alex@metcalf.demon.co.uk>
- Subject: [*] Audio Interface v1.1; for users with sight difficulties
- Audio Interface is a control panel which assists users with
- sight difficulties by speaking menus and dialog box contents.
- When the mouse is moved over a menu or menu item Audio Interface
- speaks that item's name. Similarly, Audio Interface speaks the name
- of items in a dialog box (such as a button, or text) as you move the
- mouse over them.
- New with version 1.1 is the long awaited feature that allows you
- to change the voice that Audio Interface uses. Any MacinTalk 2 or
- MacinTalk Pro voice can be used. Also, the documentation for Audio
- Interface is much clearer as to which files are needed (for Audio
- Interface to run) and why.
- Although primarily an experiment, I hope Audio Interface will
- be useful for someone. It's also quite good fun!
- For more information, please contact:
- Alex Metcalf
- alex@metcalf.demon.co.uk
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/audio-interface-11.hqx; 30K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 11:44:53 -0500
- From: Herb Voth <hvoth@cln.etc.bc.ca>
- Subject: [*] BatteryMinder 2.0.2; a PowerBook battery utility
- - Screen Controls window for adjusting brightness (on all models) and
- contrast (on Duo models)
- - Backlight toggle between preset values depending on charger status
- - Force Appletalk to load at startup, so that it is always available
- - Make quiet the startup sound
- - Toggle Appletalk, sound and modem on/off with button control
- - Monitors battery voltage (on all PowerBooks) and watts (on Duo or later)
- - Predict battery life with count up and count down timers
- - User selectable status information conveniently displayed in menu
- - Change screen color depth via BatteryMinder menu
- - Open PowerBook Control Panel from menu or an option-click in
- BatteryMinder window
- - Open Sharing Setup Control Panel from menu or a control-click in
- BatteryMinder window
- - Put your PowerBook to sleep with a double-click in BatteryMinder window
- - Balloon help for menus and dialog boxes
- BatteryMinder is $15 shareware.
- [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/battery-minder-202.hqx; 67K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 23 Sep 1994 19:06:49 -0500
- From: Berntson@husc.harvard.edu (Berntson)
- Subject: [*] BranChing156; for plant root system analysis
- =A9GMBerntson -- berntson@husc.harvard.edu
- BranChing is a program for analyzing digitized images of plant root
- systems on the Macintosh. It has several modules (of varying
- states of refinement) for making measurements from architectural
- analyses of branching structures to length and to fractal dimensions.
- [Archived as /info-mac/sci/bran-ching-156.hqx; 188K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: 28 Sep 1994 08:24:04 -0400 (EDT)
- From: "Jeremy Kezer, (203) 676-6151" <KEZER%BRAVO@utrc.utc.com>
- Subject: [*] ClockSync 0.9.0; synchronises Mac clocks over a network
- If you have two or more Macintoshes, you may have noticed that the system
- clocks tend to drift apart. This can be a real hassle if you do a lot of file
- synchronization.
- ClockSync will adjust the system clock of a "servant" Macintosh to be the same
- as a "master" Macintosh.
- Shareware; $5 registration fee suggested.
- Jeremy Kezer
- 143 Songbird Lane
- Farmington, CT 06032-3433 (USA)
- jbkezer@aol.com
- [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/clock-sync-090.hqx; 98K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 10:19:42 -0400
- From: khill@HUSKY1.STMARYS.CA (Ken Hill)
- Subject: [*] Geo Converter v.1.1; translates between coordinate systems
- GEO CONVERTER translates between two map coordinate systems,
- longitude/latitude and Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM). Version
- 1.1 adds several features and fixes a minor bug. Stuffed and
- binhexed.
- Ken Hill
- email: khill@husky1.stmarys.ca
- [Archived as /info-mac/sci/geo-converter-11.hqx; 64K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 10:26:55 +0900
- From: setsu@lab2.yamaha.co.jp (Takashi
- Suszuki/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCTmtMWk40O0obKEI=?=)
- Subject: [*] K1 Librarian 1.0.5; a MIDI data utility
- K1 Librarian is an application for the Macintosh which allows you
- to make up library of voice data for K1. One window has one voice
- data, and you can open windows as many as you want.
- When this application receives bulk dump MIDI data, new window will
- open and show you it's parameter. You can keep 32 voices in one file,
- so it's easy to replace K1's internal 32 voices.
- Apple Script recordable.
- What's changed in 1.0.5 :
- Dump request messages were not sent since version 1.0.3 -> Fixed.
- Fixed auto connection to modem port bug.
- Requirement :
- System7 + QuickTime or System7.1 or later
- Apple MIDI Manager or OMS
- Save Protected.
- Takashi Suzuki
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/util/k1-librarian-105.hqx; 315K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 16:18:36 -0500
- From: Matthew Keith <keith@ecn.purdue.edu>
- Subject: [*] Letter Land 1.0; NEW Kids shareware game!
- The following file contains version 1.0 of Letter Land. Letter Land is a
- children's game designed to help them learn associations of letters and
- words. It is intended for children between the ages of 3 and 8, but every-
- one is welcome to play :^). It requires at least 1 Meg of memory to run,
- and takes up 1.5M of disk space. It should be compatible with any Macintosh
- running at least system 6 with enough RAM. Please try it out, and mail your
- comments to: keith@en.ecn.purdue.edu
- Thanks,
- Matt Keith.
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/letter-land-10.hqx; 1264K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 19:58:12 -0700
- From: Brian Sterling <sterling@lumina.com>
- Subject: [*] Lumina's Decision Modeling System demo
- This file contains a demonstration version and supporting
- information for DEMOS (TM), v. 2.6b2, by Lumina Decision Systems.
- DEMOS (TM) (Decision Modeling System) is a Macintosh-based,
- visual environment for creating, analyzing and communicating
- probabilistic models for business, risk and decision analysis.
- Standard modeling tools, such as spreadsheets and simulation
- languages, often hinder insight generation and communication.
- DEMOS is designed specifically to provide insights to quantitative
- models, as quickly and effectively as possible. DEMOS has been
- used for risk analysis, decision analysis, technology assessment,
- economic analysis and strategic planning. It has been used in
- industry, consulting companies, government agencies, research
- laboratories, and universities, on five continents.
- Key features of DEMOS include:
- * Hierarchical influence diagrams, enabling you to create and
- communicate model structure visually, with nodes and arrows, at
- multiple levels of detail
- * Multidimensional spreadsheet views, and graphs, using Smart
- Arrays (TM), letting you work with and manipulate data easily
- * Integrated documentation, including an object-oriented system of
- nodes, attributes and hypertext links
- * Intuitive, extensible, modeling language, providing many built-in
- functions
- * Uncertainty analysis, providing discrete and continuous
- uncertainty, and efficient Latin hypercube and Monte Carlo
- simulation
- * Dynamic simulation for process and time-based modeling
- * Ability to create end-user applications, permitting you to build a
- model for a generic problem of interest to a class of end users,
- including facilities for using HyperCard interactively and
- AppleEvent support.
- DEMOS is under continuing development, and is currently
- marketed directly by Lumina Decision Systems, Inc., through an
- Early Adopter program. Over 50 major corporations, government
- organizations and consulting firms worldwide are participating.
- Please contact support@lumina.com with questions or comments.
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/demos-26b2-demo.hqx; 847K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 13:50:34 +0100
- From: x <P.J.Berck@kub.nl>
- Subject: [*] Mail2000 v1.4 (update); reads text files containing mail
- This version (Mail2000 v1.4) replaces version v1.3. Fixes a bug in the
- saving of the resource with strings when stripping the headers of a file.
- Mail2000 is a small utility to read textfiles containing e-mail. I wrote
- it because I have lots of e-mail files lying around from over the last few
- years which I occasionally want to read. Mail2000 can open up to four
- files, and provides threading of the subject and of the sender, and easy
- navigation through the mails. People who have fancy high-speed modem
- connections with the rest of the world will probably find this not very
- useful. It needs system 7 to run.
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/mail-2000-14.hqx; 106K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 18:06:09 -0500
- From: Eric Scouten <scouten@uiuc.edu> (Eric Scouten)
- Subject: [*] Maven update; audio conferencinf software
- Attached is an update to the Maven audio-conferencing program. This is a
- development version which includes the first PowerPC build (packaged as a
- fat binary).
- Please place this version (2.0d21) on your servers in the appropriate
- locations, and delete the previous release (2.0a18).
- Bug reports should be sent directly to me (scouten@uiuc.edu). BTW, I am a
- graduate student working for Charley Kline, the primary author of Maven.
- -Eric
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/tcp/maven-20d21.hqx; 120K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 14:29:20 EST
- From: Blair_W._Thornton@mail.magic.ca
- Subject: [*] MPj Astro 1.2; a planetarium type astronomy program
- MPj Astro is a planetarium type astronomy program. Features include all
- stars to 6th magnitude, solar system charts, Jupiter's satellites, a daily
- calendar, eclipse tracking, all constellations, Messier and other deep sky
- objects, a custom database, observation notes, full color photographs and
- much more. Version 1.2 has added Saturn's rings calculations, constellation
- boarder outlines, improved star chart printouts and a larger database.
- Shareware.
- [Archived as /info-mac/sci/mpj-astro-12.hqx; 1677K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 27 Sep 1994 18:58:41 -0500
- From: psheldon@utdallas.edu
- Subject: [*] Newton book of star trek parody
- John Martz wrote this parody on the end of star trek the next generation.
- I've turned it into a newton book with paperback 1.02.
- With the lyrics in the newton book, you can sing to the tune of bye bye
- Miss American Pie. I am thinking that many macish and newtish people
- might be trekkies and this is an interesting way to distribute gems off
- alt.startrek.creative.
- So, here, for your singing pleasure, a new meaning of PIE,
- Paramount Interactive Electronics.
- Just do you TNG.
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/st-tng-end-parody-book.hqx; 13K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 27 Sep 1994 21:31:37 -0500
- From: gotow@ansoft.com (Jon Gotow)
- Subject: [*] Sleeper 1.02; sleep for desktop Macs
- Sleeper is a control panel that gives Desktop Macs "Sleep" capabilities
- like the PowerBooks, dimming the screen and spinning down SCSI disk drives
- after periods of inactivity. Sleep can also be invoked on-demand via a
- configurable hot key.
- Sleeper works with System 6.0.8 through 7.5, on machines from the Mac Plus
- to the PowerMac. To use the screen dimmer, you must have a color-capable
- Mac. It is SCSI Manager 4.3 savvy and uses a minimum of system resources.
- Sleeper is Shareware.
- Changes in version 1.02:
- - Fixed bug that caused Sleeper to ignore any device at SCSI ID 6.
- - Added the "Only when screen is dimmed." option for disk sleep.
- - Added logging of sleep and wake operations.
- - Added balloon help.
- - Added support for 'SAVR' gestalt, for those that use it.
- - Reset sleep timers when control panel settings are changed.
- - Updated to new ShowInit code so icon positions correctly at startup.
- - Expanded explanations in the "About Sleeper" file.
- - Changed icon in control panel to better reflect its help function.
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/sleeper-102.hqx; 44K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 94 22:06:20 PDT
- From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
- Subject: [*] TidBITS#245/26-Sep-94
- TidBITS#245/26-Sep-94
- Plenty of MailBITS about System 7.5 and QuickDraw GX start out the
- issue, and Lloyd Wood passes on a brief article about problems
- with After Dark 3.0 and how to find more details on the
- Internet. Tonya finishes off her series on QuickDraw GX, and
- finally, Matt Neuburg returns with a User Over Your Shoulder
- column lamenting the trend toward featuritis and away from
- elegance in software upgrades.
- Topics:
- MailBITS/26-Sep-94
- After Dark 3.0 Problems
- Out of Control? Night Thoughts of the User Over Your Shoulder
- Preliminary Practical Primer to QuickDraw GX, Part III
- Reviews/26-Sep-94
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-245.etx; 30K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 27 Sep 1994 13:27:31 -0500
- From: Rodney Jacks <rjacks@austlcm.sps.mot.com>
- Subject: [*] Troubled Souls Demo; a Tetris-like game
- Here's a demo of a new commercial game that I downloaded off AOL
- that I thought I would share with the net.
- -Rodney
- (rjacks@austlcm.sps.mot.com)
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/com/troubled-souls-demo.hqx; 2083K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 27 Sep 1994 15:36:54 -0500
- From: chris@cais.cais.com (Chris Abraham)
- Subject: [*] WriteNow 4 Test Drive; a word processor
- Chris Abraham | chris@photo.com | Washington, DC
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/write-now-4-demo.hqx; 597K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 24 Sep 1994 16:22:11 +0000 (GMT)
- From: lars@ismennt.is (Lars H. Andersen)
- Subject: (Q) WordlistMaker 1.0
- I have tried to use the WordlistMaker 1.0 written by Jacek Iwanski. The
- software seems to have problems with large text files. Can anybody
- confirm this?
- I guess the solution would be to divide the files into smaller ones?
- :-))
- Thanks Lars H. Andersen, Akranes, Iceland lars@ismennt.is
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 24 Sep 1994 16:21:43 +0200
- From: wconable@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (William Conable)
- Subject: [Q] Looking for on-screen tachistoscope sw
- [Q] Can anyone suggest slide-show sw that will flash images for a very
- short time (down to maybe 1/125 sec) like a tachistoscope? Other fancy
- features not so important. TIA.
- Bill Conable
- OSU School of Music
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 24 Sep 1994 11:47:50 -0700
- From: jonpugh@netcom.com (Jon Pugh)
- Subject: AppleCD Database
- At 9:38 AM 9/24/94 -0400, Jeffrey N. Fritz wrote:
- >Jon Pugh <jonpugh@netcom.com> said (edited):
- >
- >JP> So, send me your CD Remote Programs (in Prefs folder) file after you
- >JP> enter all the CDs you care to, and I will begin the adventure of merging
- >JP> them. I will then post the results when I get a decent collection.
- >
- >Wouldn't it be great of someone (hint, hint) could come up with
- >a translator that would convert the CD Remote Programs file to
- >a format that could be read by Filmaker Pro. Then we could
- >have an automatic up-to-date database of our favorite CD collections.
- What you need is CD Coyote. I have it on the IM III CD here. It's
- probably still on Sumex (check the disk directory). It turns CD Remote
- Programs data file into a text file suitable for munging however you like.
- Get to it. ;)
- Jon
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 24 Sep 1994 09:38:44 EDT
- From: "Jeffrey N. Fritz" <JFRITZ%WVNVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
- Subject: AppleCD Database
- Jon Pugh <jonpugh@netcom.com> said:
- JP> So, send me your AppleCD Audio Player Prefs file after you enter
- JP> all the CDs you care to, and I will begin the adventure of merging
- JP> them. I will then post the results when I get a decent collection.
- Great idea, Jon. I plan to send you the CD Remote Programs file
- (Jon corrected the file name in a second posting) when I get a few
- more CDs added.
- Wouldn't it be great of someone (hint, hint) could come up with
- a translator that would convert the CD Remote Programs file to
- a format that could be read by Filmaker Pro. Then we could
- have an automatic up-to-date database of our favorite CD collections.
- (Obviously, this could be done for other database applications
- as well.)
- Maybe the file is in text readable format and can already be imported
- directly into FileMaker Pro. Anyway, if someone could write
- a converter (or tell me if it is already in FM Pro readable format),
- I would be willing to consider generating a FileMaker Pro
- front end to read the information in.
- Jeffrey Fritz
- West Virginia University
- jfritz@wvnvm.wvnet.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 07:54:58 -0500 (CDT)
- From: "Traci J. Ingram" <tingram@services.dese.state.mo.us>
- Subject: At Ease for Work Groups Update
- Apple has released a 2.0.3 update to At Ease for Work Groups that has
- mostly subtle, but nontheless significant, improvements over 2.0.1.
- Several limitations have been overcome, including addition of the ability
- to run File Sharing on client machines, and to mount server volumes
- (including CD's) via buttons, rather than having to use the Chooser.
- It is available at the usual sites, including the Gopher server
- info.hed.apple.com, in a directory that is *something* like
- /apple_support_area/apple_software_upgrades/supplemental_system_software.
- (I have no affiliation with Apple Computer, except in this case as a user
- of At Ease for Work Groups.)
- Traci J. Ingram
- tingram@services.dese.state.mo.us | or | 101-8673@MCIMail.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 11:10:20 -0400 (EDT)
- From: "Jan P. Andrews" <JANDREWS@npr.org>
- Subject: AutoCAD 12c3 and Quadra 840AV
- I installed AutoCAD/Mac 12c3 on a Quadra 840AV yesterday. Unfortunately,
- ACAD crashes after the vendor name and phone number appears in the Command
- Window.
- Messages posted on AOL indicate that others are running v12 successfully
- on the 840AAV. Any suggestions? The specifics:
- o 24-MB memory, Quantum LP240S drive
- o System 7.1 "easy" install for 840AV from CD-ROM; no System Updates
- installed
- o No INITs or other utilities installed
- Thanks for your help!
- Jan P. Andrews, Project Engineer, National Public Radio, Washington, DC
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 02:23:38 -0500
- From: bylsma@unixg.ubc.ca (Dieder Bylsma)
- Subject: Corrupted Disk Images solution
- Earlier on I had a problem with mounting some disk-images that were
- corrupt. I couldn't get to the original since it was physically a very long
- way away. Nothing worked, i.e. DART, DiskDup, DiskCopy, MungeImage,
- ShrinkWrap...and so I posted a plea on info-mac. Well a solution came
- through thanks to Pablo Fritz!
- >if the image was made with diskcopy, you can mount the disk with mountimage.
- If
- >the catalog of this image is usable, mountimage will mount it. After that, you
- >copy all files to your disk, and the finder will report read errors on the
- >corrupted files.
- >Good Luck!
- >
- >PD: if the directory is bad, you could try disk-recovery programs on the file,
- >perhaps so you can recover something.
- and it worked!
- wonder of wonders!
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 27 Sep 1994 13:02:31 +0000
- From: Carlos Gimeno <carlosg%cc.unizar.es@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
- Subject: CPU update?
- Please , I need the ftp site for the Connectix powerbook utilities ( from 2.0.2
- to 2.0.3). I don't find it in the sumex.
- Thanks and sorry for the languaje mistakes.
- +----------------------------+
- Carlos Gimeno Diaz
- Universidad de Zaragoza
- carlosg@cc.unizar.es
- phone: 34 76 29 28 89
- fax: 34 76 29 65 44
- +----------------------------+
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 27 Sep 1994 16:15:57 +0000
- From: Elliot Bennett <Elliot.Bennett@europa.rs.kp.dlr.de>
- Subject: DECnet for PowerMac? [Q]
- Date 9/27/94
- Subject DECnet for PowerMac? [Q]
- From Elliot Bennett
- To Info [mac
- Subject DECnet for PowerMac? [Q] 27.9.1994
- 4:11 PM
- Subject line says it all: anyone know if DECnet for PowerMacintosh is or will
- soon be available?
- Elliot Bennett
- Cologne, Germany
- elliot@europa.rs.kp.dlr.de
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 27 Sep 1994 07:25:46 +0100
- From: gibhenry@usa.net (Gib Henry)
- Subject: Desktop bug?
- On Fri, 23 Sep 1994 09:56, bash@helix.nih.gov (Mike Basham) wrote:
- > Tell me if anyone's every heard of this one:
- >
- > 1. Make an alias to an application on a non-startup hard disk. 2. Copy
- > the alias to a folder on the startup hard disk. 3. Restart 4. The alias
- > will have changed to a "generic" application icon. Won't support
- > drag-and-drop. 5. The really strange part: The application itself will
- > also have changed to a generic icon and loses support for drag-and-drop.
- >
- > - Rebuilding the desktop sets things right, but it gets screwed up again
- > on the next restart. - Problems only show up with Applications that have
- > aliases stored in a folder on the startup disk. All other applications
- > are unaffected. If I trash the alias and restart, the Application gets
- > its icon back.
- >
- > Specifics: PowerMac 8100/80, System 7.5.
- >
- > Weird, huh?
- Yeah, but same-same on a Duo 230 (System 7.1) with magneto-optical 128M
- removable holding the original. Has nothing to do with the PowerMac or
- system 7.5!
- Hope this helps. Cheers!
- --Gib Henry
- ------------------------------
- Date: 25 Sep 94 10:29:32 EDT
- From: Hans Kroeger <100136.3052@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Desktop bug? (A)
- bash@helix.nih.gov (Mike Basham) writes:
- > Tell me if anyone's every heard of this one:
- >
- > 1. Make an alias to an application on a non-startup hard disk.
- > 2. Copy the alias to a folder on the startup hard disk.
- > 3. Restart
- > 4. The alias will have changed to a "generic" application icon. Won't
- > support drag-and-drop.
- > 5. The really strange part: The application itself will also have changed
- > to a generic icon and loses support for drag-and-drop.
- Yes, I use a password protected partition on my startup hard disk which holds
- all comms applications. I had the aliases of these applications on my desktop
- and I experienced the exact same problem...A work-around is to use "Save a
- BNDL" for restarting the Finder rather than rebuilding the hole desktop....
- ...any better ideas ?
- Hans Kroeger
- kroeger@spacediv.dofn.de
- kroeger@stsci.edu
- 100136.3052@compuserve.com
- kroe@eds.dofn.de
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 27 Sep 1994 09:05:22 +0100
- From: Martin.Jourdan@inria.fr (Martin Jourdan)
- Subject: Desktop Rebuild @ System 7.5 (C)
- In Info-Mac V12 #126, Graeme Forbes writes:
- >"After rebuilding the desktop file with System 7.5, the machine rebuilds once
- >again on restart."
- >
- >According to Apple, extra rebuilds happen under 7.5 if you have Macintosh
- >Easy Open installed.
- It happens to me with System 7.1.1 and Easy Open, *most* of the time. Well,
- at least now I know the culprit :-).
- Martin Jourdan -- INRIA, Rocquencourt, France
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 24 Sep 1994 09:41:55 EDT
- From: "Jeffrey N. Fritz" <JFRITZ%WVNVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
- Subject: Farallon PhoneNet -> Apple LocalTalk networks [R]
- Richard Lim <rlim@well.sf.ca.us> asked:
- > I have two LocalTalk networks in the office now, one consisting of
- > Apple LocalTalk connectors and cabling, the other with Farallon
- > PhoneNet connectors and ordinary phone wiring. It's now thought it
- > would be a good idea to hook the two networks up, probably using more
- > phone wire, but I don't know what sort of plug I should get (if one
- > exists) to connect that wire with an Apple LocalTalk connector.
- Farallon used to make (and may still) an adapter cable to go between
- the PhoneNet connectors and the LocalTalk cable. Perhaps one of the
- mail order houses carries it. If not, you can try contacting
- Farallon directly:
- Farallon Computing, Inc.
- 2470 Mariner Square Loop
- Alameda, CA 94501-1010
- Wk: (510) 814 - 5000
- Fx: (510) 814 - 5023
- E-M: farallon@farallon.com
- Jeffrey Fritz
- West Virginia University
- jfritz@wvnvm.wvnet.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 24 Sep 1994 12:17:45 +0200
- From: rolfk@vetvir.unizh.ch (Rolf Kocherhans)
- Subject: Finder Layout
- Hello All
- Does anybody know how to change the spacing in the Finder view.
- I would like to make the application type a bit larger,
- and move the version forward a section.
- There was once a program called "Layout" which just did the trick,
- but it is not compatible anymore.
- Any help is appreciated.
- Rolf
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 13:55:59 -0500
- From: rgray@ccs.carleton.ca (Robert Gray)
- Subject: FreePort client?
- 1. Does anyone know of a Mac client for CaseWestern FreePort? -or- Is
- anyone working on such a project? -or- Got any tips on where I might start
- to try to roll my own for eventual free release?
- 2. For Jon Pugh's virtual party we will need some virtual beer!
- ---
- TTFN... eh!
- Robert Gray
- rgray@ccs.carleton.ca
- ap293@freenet.carleton.ca
- Psychology, Carleton University, OTTAWA, Canada, K1S 5B6
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 25 Sep 94 10:43:27 EDT
- From: "Allan M. Bloom" <IRBLOOM@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU>
- Subject: FTP --> Vax --> Mac
- There have been a spate of queries about ftp-ing via, say, a Vax and
- getting the resultant files to a Mac in usable form. Before I became
- my own internet node, I ftp'd via our university's VM/CMS mainframe
- and downloaded the resulting files to my Mac over a serial connection.
- I suspect that's close enough.
- I needed two, count 'em two, pieces of software -- both on the Mac side.
- Stuffit Expander will take an hqx file and decode it for you, mostly in
- one fell swoop -- unless it doesn't know about the archive format. For
- macbinary (binhex 5) files, I used the Mac<-->MacBinary module (in the
- archive) for Apple File Exchange. Not even that with White Knight.
- For ftp, I set the mainframe's option to "text" for hqx files and to
- "binary" for the others. In my comm program (White Knight), I set file
- transfer to Kermit/Text for hqx files. That did automatic conversion
- >From IBM's text format to Mac ASCII. Then drop it onto SITExp. On a
- binary download (Kermit/Binary), WK recognizes Macbinary and removes
- the "wrapper" on the fly. Other comm programs don't, so you need to
- pass the Macbinary file through a MacBinary-->Mac decoder.
- Simple when you know how, yes?
- Al Bloom, Virginia Tech
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 00:26:49 +0100 (GDT)
- From: Maurizio Lana <lana%rs950.cisi.unito.it@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
- Subject: help: Powerbook trackball spring
- A friend of mine, while cleaning the trackball internal housing
- had one of the two springs pushing the small weels against the ball,
- going out of its housing. The spring is now traveling internally, between
- the case and the board.
- The authorized Apple service here in Turin asked him about 100 $ to do
- the repairing.
- He wonders if it is so difficult to do the repair by himself.
- Any idea? Could you please cc: your message directly to me?
- Many many thanks. Maurizio
- Maurizio Lana - CISI, Universita' di Torino
- lana@cisi.unito.it fax: 39 11 899 1648
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 9:03:11 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Peter Hoo <PETER@servms.fiu.edu>
- Subject: Hiding printer
- Hi Everyone,
- I am looking for a way in which to hide printers in a particular zone. The
- problem is that I do not wish for just anyone on the network to be able to
- print to these printers. I will be running AppleShare 4.0 as well as decnet
- in this area.
- Thanks for any insight.
- Peter
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 94 08:31:36 -0300
- From: "Thomas J. Martin, Jr." <martin@cptest.com>
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #124
- >Subject: Desktop Rebuild @ System 7.5
- >
- > Anyone experiencing the following problem?
- >After rebuilding the desktop file with System 7.5, the machine rebuilds once
- >again on restart. That means I get two desktop rebuilds instead of one. It's
- >very annoying considering I have two large hard drives.
- > Comments, suggestions etc. to <aviola@dino.conicit.ve> please.
- >
- >Cheers,
- I understand that the Apple Easy Open extension is the culprit. I read this
- somewhere (can't remember) and since I was suffering from the same problem,
- I made Easy Open an inactive extension and the problem disappeared.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 07:44:30 -0700 (PDT)
- From: Richard Lim <rlim@well.sf.ca.us>
- Subject: Laserwriter Pro 630 opinions wanted
- Further to my query about the Select 360, I'd also appreciate some
- feedback on the Laserwriter Pro 630. The Select 360, it turns out, has
- one big drawback from our point of view: you can't attach a SCSI hard
- disk (or can you?). So it looks like we might go for the 630 instead.
- Thanks.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 07:37:39 -0700 (PDT)
- From: Richard Lim <rlim@well.sf.ca.us>
- Subject: Laserwriter Select 360 opinions wanted
- We're looking for another 600 dpi printer to complement our existing HP
- Laserjet 4M. We could just get another printer of the same type, but the
- Apple Laserwriter Select 360 looks like an interesting alternative. I'd
- like some feedback on the printer from anyone's who put it through its
- paces. In particular, does the Select 360 do good, sharp grayscale and
- halftone images? (The HP Laserjet 4M with resolution enhancement turned on
- is really quite excellent in this regard.)
- Thanks in advance
- Richard
- (in Singapore, despite my US address!)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 00:35:53 +0100 (GDT)
- From: Maurizio Lana <lana%rs950.cisi.unito.it@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
- Subject: Mac IIci cache cards (Q)
- I'm thinking about buying a cache card for my Mac IIci.
- There is the Apple's, sold at $49: it has 32K of ram.
- But Peripheral Outlet sells a ci cache card at $ 125: is that card
- provided with more memory: 64K? or a wonderful 128K?
- Any advice about this matter?
- Many thanks; multiple thanks if you can cc: the answer directly to me.
- Maurizio
- Maurizio Lana - CISI, Universita' di Torino
- lana@cisi.unito.it fax: 39 11 899 1648
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 24 Sep 94 12:30:57 GMT
- From: lars@ismennt.is (Lars H. Andersen)
- Subject: MacLink plus
- I am the almost happy user of MacLink Plus 7.02 which I use to translate my Mac
- files to appropriate DOS format files when my customers request so. But there
- is
- a problem that I seem not to be able to solve although having thoroughly read
- the manual.
- When I open a Word text file, the translation software always offers me to
- choose a translator, usually like this Multimate/MacLink or
- WordPerfect/MacLink.
- And if I choose either translator the file is opened, but the format is
- spoiled.
- What am I overlooking?
- Thank you, Lars H. Andersen, Akranes, Iceland lars@ismennt.is
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 25 Sep 94 11:22:25 BST
- From: Donald Peterson <D.M.Peterson@computer-science.birmingham.ac.uk>
- Subject: Mac Music
- I'd appreciate advice on s/w and h/w for music on the Mac. Specifically
- I'd like to (a) produced backing tracks to play while practicing lead
- parts, and (b) compose and edit complex percussion pieces --- putting
- the result out through my hi-hi. I gather that I need a sequencer, a
- MIDI interface, and a tone module. My machine is a 2/40 Classic. Any
- advice on what to get/avoid would be very helpful.
- Donald.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 10:20:48 -0400
- From: groo@netcom.com (Kiran Wagle)
- Subject: MacTCP, RAM Doubler, Sys 7.5 = crash???`
- Hi,
- I've been having a truly mindboggling number of crashes while connected via
- MacTCP 2.0.4 and InterSLIP 1.0.1 on my new Quadra 630, running 7.5 and RD
- 1.5/1.5.1 (and the same was true on my dead IIsi.) However, it doesn't
- crash AT ALL while not running MacTCP, even with only 4M or real RAM (RD is
- workin' really here here.)
- Has anyone else experienced this problem? Is there a workaround? I need
- to run both of these programs, and random and unrecoverable crashes once an
- hour or more isn't a very good definiton of "run."
- ~ Kiran
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 27 Sep 1994 17:25:50 -0400
- From: camerowd@picard.ml.wpafb.af.mil (Capt Bill Cameron)
- Subject: MODE32 Questions
- Now that I've downloaded the new MODE32-7.5 and installed it on my
- venerable Macintosh II without crashing, I had some questions about it:
- 1. What is the difference between this and the Apple 32-Bit System
- Enabler? Do they work together? Are they both needed? (I'm running
- System 7.1 with System Update 3.0)
- 2. Am I able to use virtual memory? This option doesn't show up
- in my Memory CP. Is there something else I need to use VM? Is it even
- advisable?
- Thanks much for enlightening me
- Bill Cameron sdg
- camerowd@picard.ml.wpafb.af.mil
- billc55122@aol.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 94 17:48:39 MST
- From: ycthean <ycthean@comm.mot.com>
- Subject: MSMail Question
- Hi,
- Does any know the listserver for Macintosh Microsoft Mail?
- --
- Regards,
- YC Thean
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 27 Sep 1994 09:25:53 -0500
- From: jim@pharmacop.com (Jim Mueller)
- Subject: MS Office update?
- I encountered this item in an older TidBITs (boy am I behind %^{):
- Microsoft also announced a "Power Guarantee" offer.
- If you purchase Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Office, on or after
- 01-Apr-94 (so hold off buying any Microsoft applications for two
- weeks!), Microsoft will give you a free upgrade to the next
- version - either a 680x0 version or a Power Mac version, your
- choice.
- I called MS and was told there was no such thing as a free upgrade.
- Is this an April 1st thing I fell for again, like the "boot up your IIci
- with these keys down and it comes up with a command-line interface" of
- several years ago?
- Jim Mueller- LAN Baron jim@pharmacopeia.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 94 15:04:00 EDT
- From: Steve Greenfield <FEATS@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU>
- Subject: Need Battery for IIsi !!!
- I need a replacement battery for a Macintosh IIsi. Does anyone know
- where I can order one? Thanks!
- /steve greenfield <feats@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu>
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 94 08:51:09 EDT
- From: beth@mtb.phil.mop.com (Beth Marsh)
- Subject: Need help with MacX/MacTCP
- Hello all.
- I'm trying to get MacX going and have hit a roadblock. Whenever I try to
- execute a remote command (usually xterm) I get the message that the
- connection came halfway up and failed. The error message documentation
- indicates that it's a problem on the host end (a Sun). I'm connecting
- through MacPPP to a Telebit netblazer. My host won't allow me to
- connect for some reason. When I talked to Apple about this they
- suggested that it was a problem with the remote login capability not
- being enabled on the host. He mentioned checking rlog and rexec.
- I'm not familiar with this and neither is anyone at my company.
- Anyone who could shed light on this matter would be much
- appreciated.
- Thanks,
- Beth Marsh
- beth@mop.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 94 12:18:27 EDT
- From: Clint Hyde <chyde@BBN.COM>
- Subject: NetNews reader(s) for Mac
- i want to try out News readers on my Mac II. I'm still using system
- 6.0.8...suggestions and locations? I poked through a archive mirror for
- something called Nuntius but I couldn't find it.
- please reply direct to chyde@bbn.com, as I don't receive the digest
- directly and I can't read news right now.
- -- clint chyde@bbn.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 10:37:14 GMT-5
- From: "Karen Schlosberg" <KARENS@mcet.edu>
- Subject: pagemaker crash
- hi,
- i was sitting here quietly minding my own business when pagemaker 4.2 decided
- to
- crash, with a type 8
- error. pagemaker was open, but not active. i have a quadra 650 with 8 mgs,
- caches enables (and they're
- staying that way), virtual memory off. The other apps open were pasteit notes
- 3.0.4 (with one note
- onscreen), and pegasus mail 2.1 (i was typing a message when the crash
- happened). i'm pretty sure
- that something i've added recently must be upsetting it; i just have two
- questions:
- 1) anyone know what that type 8 error means? software manufacturers seem to
- want
- to keep the
- meanings of these errors a secret more closely guarded than george bush's real
- level of involvement in
- the iran-contra affair.
- 2) anyone know if there's a newer version of compatibility checker than 2.0? or
- if there's another
- piece of software that can check for compatibility?
- thanks!
- karen ;-)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 94 11:53:03 PDT
- From: BruceBarr@eworld.com
- Subject: Please Help Me, My TCP problem is Solved...
- A question for the TCP gurus out there... If I log on either by running
- Interslip then bringing up an application, or allowing the application to
- automatically start the connection. About 50-60% of the time I can't find
- the Domain Name Server/News Server/ Whatever else the application might need.
- Sometimes another request will work. Sometimes hanging vp and trying again
- will work. Mostly I just give up and log into my shell account. ( Hey, it
- may be ugly, but it works... :->)
- ok, I think, I'll run WatchTCP and see what's wrong. Except, if I run
- WatchTCP the connection ALLWAYS works.
- How is it doing that? Does it run in a special mode?
- Any ideas are most welcome,
- BB
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 94 11:28:00 edt
- From: "Lawrenson, Steve" <steve.lawrenson@canada.cdev.com>
- Subject: Problem with Mosaic and Newsgroups
- I get the following error messages when I try to read any newsgroups using
- Alpha 8 version of NCSA Mosaic:
- Warning! Writing to the console in applications is NOT supported.
- ****HTAccess: Socket or file number 1 returned by obsolete load routine
- Followed by a second message:
- ****HTAccess: Internal software error: Please mail mosaic-x@nsca.uiuc.edu and
- www-bug@info.cern.ch
- Yes, I've tried other versions of Mosaic and have tried unsuccessfully to e-
- mail for help (as stated by the error message) but I've received no response.
- I do have a local and legitimate newshost (it work fine with our PC's). All
- the other functions of Mosaic work great; why can't I hyperlink to
- any newsgroups?
- Thanx for any help on this one
- steve.lawrenson@gpo.cdev.canada.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 94 12:06:46 BST
- From: Peter Batty <pbatty@mpc-uk.com>
- Subject: Public Domain unStuffit utilities
- Hi all,
- Further to my previous mail about unpacking Mac
- files under Unix on a Sun workstation, I can confirm
- that a new encoding algorithm 13 appears in .sit
- files after April 1992. The latest unStuffit in the
- PD is in macunpack, dated 26-APR-1992. That's what
- I recommend, since it has several decoders.
- So does anybody out there have any documentation on this
- algorithm 13 so we can update macunpack?
- Pete Batty,
- Mercury One 2 One,
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 94 11:09:14 PDT
- From: varshney@titan.fullerton.edu (Suvrit Varshney)
- Subject: Q: Good Book for Metroworks C++? Which One?
- Hello I have used metrowerks C++ a little bit
- I'm interested in buying a good macintosh c++
- programming book that is designed for work
- with CW. If anyone has a book in mind, please
- email me. Thanks!
- Suvrit Varshney
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 00:30:16 +0100 (GDT)
- From: Maurizio Lana <lana%rs950.cisi.unito.it@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
- Subject: Radius Color Pivot LE (Q)
- I want to buy for my Mac IIci a page display, a color page display.
- I'm considering buying the color Pivot LE at $ 399.
- Any feedback about its quality and/or drawbacks?
- Any idea about connecting the Color Pivot to a PC?
- Does anyone know a fax number for Radius?
- Many thanks; multiple thanks if you cc: your message directly to me.
- Maurizio
- Maurizio Lana - CISI, Universita' di Torino
- lana@cisi.unito.it fax: 39 11 899 1648
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 08:55:50 -0500
- From: clarkw@sam.neosoft.com (Clark R. Wilkins)
- Subject: Ram Doubler 1.5 problem
- We discussed a conflict with Ram Doubler 1.5 last Friday over the phone.
- The symptoms were that the PPC 6100 would come up the first time after
- running the installation. On the second and all subsequent reboots, the
- system would hang shortly before mounting the disk drives.
- I found evidence of a multiple init conflict. The primary culprits were
- Disinfectant Init and Quicktime. However, when just these two were loaded
- along with Ram Doubler, the system still worked fine. Since I use a large
- number of extensions, I elected not to try to pursue this any further, and
- turned off the Disinfectant init.
- The extension set in use is: EM Extension (from Extension Manager 2.0),
- Disinfectant Init (v3.4), Ram Doubler (1.5), Accutouch Server (a database
- server from Now Up-to-Date 2.0), Apple CD-ROM, Appleshare, Applescript
- (1.1), Autoclock Extension, CD Remote Init, FaxMonitor, FaxPrint (both from
- FaxSTF 3.0), File Sharing Extension, First Things First, Foreign File
- Access, Laserwriter 8.1.1, PowerPC Finder Update, Print Monitor, Queue
- Monitor, Queue Watcher (I think the last two are also from FAXStf 3.0),
- Quicktime, Quicktime PowerPlug, Remote Access, Remote Access Aliases (I use
- ARA 2.0), Remote Only, Sound Manager, Speech Manager, Timbuktu Extension (I
- have the new PPC compatible version), and Window Picker. I could make the
- problem occur with 0 control panels or fonts.
- Thanks for your help.
- Clark R. Wilkins <clarkw@sam.neosoft.com>
- -My words are responsible for themselves-
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 10:14:19 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Peter Hoo <PETER@servms.fiu.edu>
- Subject: Sharing one hard drive between two printers
- Hi,
- I have an Apple LaserWriter IIgs that has a hard drive connected to it by a
- SCSI cable. The printer gets its fonts from the hard drive. My problem is
- that I wish to connect another printer to the same hard drive and share the
- numerous fonts it.
- Peter
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 24 Sep 1994 23:56:45 -0400
- From: aviola@conicit.ve (Agustin Viola)
- Subject: Speech , Voices
- >I hope this isn't a FAQ, but here goes. . .
- >I have a Mac IIsi, souped up to 25MHz. Yet with all that incredible
- >power ;-) most of the Speech Manager voices seem to warble: I perceive
- >a tiny pause in the speech every second or so.
- >The giant voices, Agnes, Victoria, and Bob (?) don't seem to have this
- >problem, even in their smaller incarnations.
- >
- >Any suggestions?
- Well, I had this same problem on my LC III, also @25Mhz. The=
- combination I was using at the very beginning, was Speech Manager 1.2.1,=
- and Macintalk Pro w/voices. It sounded terrible, with those pauses you=
- mention. After asking other Mac Users, I discovered the problem was the=
- machine's speed. Apple bundles Speech software with fast macs (040's). I=
- did try the software on my classic II, just to verify, and the problem was=
- still there, of course.
- So what I did, following a friend's advice, was to download=
- Macintalk 2, and replace the PRO version. I also got a few voices bundled=
- with Macintalk 2. These are low quality voices, but now it sounds=
- properly. I did try to listen to the previous high quality voices bundled=
- in Maccintalk Pro, but they were still messed up. :-(
- Hope this helps. Have a nice a day.
- Cheers,
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 25 Sep 94 10:29:49 EDT
- From: "Allan M. Bloom" <IRBLOOM@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU>
- Subject: Speed Disk 3.0->3.1 (A)
- On Thu, 22 Sep, Jeff Fritz wrote:
- >Symantec has released the update for Speed Disk to 3.1. Before I
- >run it on my 1 GB hard drive, I am waiting for testimonials from
- >other, more brave members of our net stating if the problems
- >really have been fixed. (Speed Disk 3.0 was reported to, at
- >times, trash data on the drive being optimized.)
- I, courageously or stupidly (Pick one), tried Speed Disk 3.1 when it came
- last week. Seemed to work dandy. And it screamed on my 250M in PPC mode
- with 3% fragmentation. I tried it on Leslye's C650/230M/1%, and
- it was like pulling teeth. Molasses in January time.
- No problem noted.
- By the way, I didn't use the Norton Startup Disk Builder. It gives you
- either a 68k or a PPC boot disk. And the installer does the same thing
- on your hard disk. The only truly fat SD is on Utilities #2. So I made
- a boot disk containing the 853k System on the 7.5 disk tools, copied SD
- >From Ut-2, and set the boot blocks' Finder and StartupApp to Speed Disk.
- Works fine on both PPC and 68k Macs.
- Al Bloom, Virginia Tech
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 03:42:21 -0700
- From: Robert Rancans <robertr@fernwood.demon.co.uk>
- Subject: Symantec charges
- Hi all
- Just got my upgrade notice from Symantec UK for SAM 4.0 - the upgrade costs
- a reasonable 29.00 UKP but in small print at the bottom of the order is:
- Please add 10.50 UKP shipping for 1 product !!
- Note that this is shipping from Ireland not the nearest inhabited planet.
- I wonder if this is what the carriers are charging Symantec or if they're
- inflating the cost a little...
- Cheers
- Robert
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 12:27:14 -0500
- From: jjyuan@skcla.monsanto.com (Jinhua Yuan, x-7602, k-221)
- Subject: system 7.5 on powerPC 7100
- I bought a PowerPC 7100 with 16 meg memory, 2 meg Vram running system
- 7.5. When I tried to change the memubar clock color using the date/time
- control pannel. The whole system freeze up and it says unimplanted floating
- point .... for Finder. Is this a common problem or a unique one for me?
- Please send E-mail to:
- JJYUAN@skca9.monsanto.com
- Many thanks.
- Jinhua
- ------------------------------
- Date: 27 Sep 1994 11:04:19 -0300
- From: "Diego Akerman" <doglan@script.org.ar>
- Subject: Using more than 8Mb on a Mac IIcx?
- Hi Steve,
- get this file and drop it into your system folder. I makes your mac
- 32-Bit capable. Restart and then go to the Memory Control Panel and select
- 32-Bit addressing. Restart again and you are done!
- ftp://mrcnext.cso.uiuc.edu/pub/info-mac/cfg/mode32-75.hqx
- This works even with System 7.5. Have fun! Doglan//
- PS: Special thanks to Adam C. Engst who published this address on
- "TidBITS#245/26-Sep-94"
- \\// S P A M ! \\// DiegO GabrieL AkermaN
- Av. Jorge Newbery 3800, 1427 Buenos Aires, Argentina
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- Date: 20 Sep 1994 23:01:38 -0400
- From: sts@strauss.udel.edu (Stephen Thomas Sum)
- Subject: Using more than 8Mb on a Mac IIcx?
- I have a Mac IIcx in which I have installed 20 MB of RAM. The
- problem is that the software only sees 8 MB. I've been told that
- I can get a file that will allow my Mac to use all 20 MB. Does anyone
- know where I can get such a file?
- Thanks in advance!
- Steve.
- sts@strauss.udel.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 27 Sep 94 17:40:46 EDT
- From: Hans Kroeger <100136.3052@compuserve.com>
- Subject: Weird Problem, please help (Q)
- This is a weird problem:
- 09/01/94 Installed System Update 3.0 on my PB 180
- 09/10/94 Made Backup Copy of System Folder on Syquest cardridge
- 09/18/94 successfully sent Fax using FAXcilitate Software and PSI modem
- 09/25/94 Tried to send Fax, didn't work
- Reloaded FAXcilitate Software, System Crashed during boot
- System Error: "Fax Monitor" Trap not implemented (12)
- Note: "Fax Monitor" is a System Extension
- Zapped the PRAM, then booted from floppy and copied Backup System
- Folder from Syquest,
- System Crashed during boot with System Error...
- Turned off all Extensions, Controlpanels etc...with Extensions
- Manager, except the "Fax Monitor" extension
- System Crashed during boot with System Error...
- Turned on all Extensions, Controlpanels etc...with Extensions
- Manager, except the "Fax Monitor" extension
- System boots fine
- I am confused, to say the least !!!
- I am using version 1.5 of FAXcilitate.
- PLEASE help if you can, I am lost !
- Hans
- kroeger@spacediv.dofn.de
- kroeger@stsci.edu
- 100136.3052@compuserve.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 25 Sep 1994 16:15:40 +0000
- From: Neil Christie <neil@christie.demon.co.uk>
- Subject: Where/how can I update from FileMaker Pro 2.0bv1 2.1v3
- I am at present using FileMaker Pro v2.0bv1 and need to upgrade to 2.1v3 so
- sort out problems with AppleEvents. The updaters at ftp.claris.com and
- elsewhere only seem to work with the U.S version and not the British
- version and the International area on ftp.claris.com only seems to include
- Canada. I don't mind if I end up with an American version at the end of
- this process.
- Can anyone point me toward a British updater or a way to use the U.S
- updater. I have the same problem with the ClarisWorks updaters. Thanks in
- advance, Neil.
- Neil Christie, 15, Neil@christie.demon.co.uk, Apple Macintosh Centris 660AV
- 8/230 CD
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 10:06:32 -0500
- From: Bryan.Walls@msfc.nasa.gov (Bryan Walls)
- Subject: Word 6.0 Converter (for MW5.x) (C)
- >Isn't it interesting that Microsoft posted Word 6.0 Converter (for MW5.x)
- >on AppleLink. This converter lets Mac Word 5.x read Windoz and Mac
- >6.0 files (but not save to 6.0 format.) Interesting the converter comes
- >with a file called "ReadMe Before Installation". However, it is
- >impossible to read before installation because "ReadMe Before Installation"
- >is in MS Word 6.0 format! Way to go Microsoft!!!! :-(
- >
- >BTW, please don't ask me for the updater. It is on AppleLink and
- >probably other sites and there is no indication from Microsoft that
- >it is okay to post elsewhere.
- >
- >Jeffrey Fritz
- >West Virginia University
- >jfritz@wvnvm.wvnet.edu
- Actually, this converter is freely avialable. Tonya has it on
- ftp.tidbits.com in with some of the other Word files. It works pretty well,
- and may be my alternative to trying to use the bloated, slug-like Word 6.0
- on mac.
- Bryan Walls My words are not NASA policy.
- bwalls@marvin.msfc.nasa.gov
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 07:51:37 -0700 (PDT)
- From: John Thoo <jbthoo@ucdavis.edu>
- Subject: Word 6 leaner than I thought (C)
- If you believe what you read---especially if you believe in "truth in
- advertising"---then you'll be pleasantly surprised, as I was, to learn
- that Word 6 "Requires: 1.4MB hard disk space; System 7 or later." That's
- according to the latest MacWarehouse catalog I received (vol.34, p.57).
- Now, if you believe that, I have a PowerPC Duo for sale ... cheap! ;-)
- --John.
- J. B. THOO, Math Dept, Univ of California, Davis, CA 95616-8633
- Internet: <jb2@math.ucdavis.edu> or <jbthoo@ucdavis.ucdavis.edu>
- Home Page: <http://math.ucdavis.edu/~jb2>
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 27 Sep 1994 15:47:02 PDT
- From: Hassan_Abu-Hassanyn.El_Segundo@xerox.com
- Subject: World Script (Q)
- I heard that World Script is available from Apple, but I cannot seem to find it
- anywhere on their ftp.support.apple.com, any clues to the path. Also I tried
- retrieving
- pub/Apple SW Updates/Macintosh/Supplemental System Software/QuickTime
- (1.6.1).hqx, just to see if I can retrieve, the ftp I am using (ftptool, sun,
- unix) claims the file is not there, I must be missing something, any ideas?
- Thanks
- Hassanyn.el_segundo@xerox.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 14:19:13 CST
- From: kylea@INS.INFONET.NET
- Subject: WYSIWYG menus for 6.0.8
- Hello. A friend of mine -- stuck for the moment on a SE w/ 6.0.8 running --
- would like to run the equivalent of NOW's WYSIWYG menus. My question is
- where might I find something like this? Filenames will be most helpful.
- Thanx.
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Mac Digest
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